Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

English Media in Indonesia

Guyss,,,do you like writing? Are you willing to publish it? Let’s try to send your writing to the email of English media in Indonesia below:

Jl. Palmerah Selatan 15, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
Yogyakarta representatif office: Perumahan Tambak Mas 18 Yogyakarta 55182 Telp. (0274) 566530 Fax. (0274) 566530
Telp. (021) 5300476, 5300478.
Fax. (021) 5492685
Email : editorial@thejakartapost.com 
E-mail Address(es): admin@insideindonesia.org
Story Editorial Staff  in Jl. Raya Kedoya Duri No.36, Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta 11520.
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    Kav. 126 Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
    Phone: +62 21 572 7337  | Fax.: +62 21 572 7338
    Email:    Customer Services  - andrian@thepresidentpost.com

                  Circulation – sheila@thepresidentpost.com

                  Editorial - ceo@thepresidentpost.com
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Jl. Kebayoran Baru - Mayestik, Jakarta 12440
Telp (021) 725 5625
Faks (021) 725 5645
E-mail : interaktif@tempo.co.id
BeritaJakarta.com - Media Online Pemprov DKI Jakarta
Jl. Merdeka Selatan 8-9 Blok F Lt. 2 Jakarta Indonesia
Telp. +62 21 3822988, 3822488; Fax. +62 21 3822788, 3822846;
Email : redaksi@beritajakarta.com

Wisma ANTARA 19th Floor
Jalan Merdeka Selatan No. 17
Jakarta Pusat
Telp: 3802383 , Ext. 246
Faks: 3522178
Email: newsroom@antaranews.com
E-mail Address(es):
editor @ islamicvoice.com
E-mail Address(es):
jakarta.newsroom @ reuters.com
Foreign Newspaper Agents in Indonesia
Jl Indramayu No 18 Jakarta 10310.
Telp. : 021- 3160780
Email : afxasia@cbn.net.id

Jl. Indramayu No 18, Jakarta 10310.
Telp. (021) 3160780, 336082
Email : bestrade@cbn.net.id

Jl. Kebon Kacang 35 No 4, Jakarta 10240.
Telp. (021) 3141984
Email : britsins@cbn.net.id

Detchce Bank Bldg, lt 14
Jl. Imam Bonjol No 80 Jakarta 10310
Telp. (021) 39831269
Email : gspencer@agp.org

Detchce Bank Bldg, lt 14
Jl. Imam Bonjol No 80 Jakarta 10310
Telp. (021) 39831262, 39831263
Email : aapkaren@cbn.net.id

Wisma Antara, lt 19
Jl. Merdeka Selatan No 17 Jakarta 10110
Telp. (021) 3857626

Istana Harmoni Apartment 19J
Kompleks Harmoni Blok B26-27 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 6305644
Email : mailto:aapkaren@cbn.net.id


Jl. Penjernihan V/No 1 Pejompongan, Jakarta.
Telp. (021) 5722233

Jl. Prapanca Raya No 12 A, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12150.
Telp. (021) 7250815
Email : theohaer@indosat.net.id

Wisma Kyoei Prince Lt 7, suite 705
Jl Sudirman Kav 3 Jakarta 10220
Telp. (021) 5723309

Wisma Antara Lt 16
Jl Merdeka Selatan No 17, Jakarta 10110
Telp. (021) 3802810, 3840113
Email : kyodojkt@rad.net.id

Jl. Pulomas Barat 5A No. 1 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 4894839

Wisma Nusantara Lt 14
Jl MH Thamrin No 59, Jakarta 10350
Telp. (021) 330174, 333909
Email : nhkjkt@rad.net.id

Wisma Antara Lt 17
Jl Merdeka Selatan No 17, Jakarta 10110
Telp. (021) 3846364, 3845012
Email : Jakarta.newsroom@reuters.com

Jl. Sawo No 20, Jakarta
Telp. (021) 326261
Email :vnajak@indosat.net.id

Jl. Pandeglang No 44 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 2305753

These email addresses are taken from several blogs and websites, please correct me if I’m wrong. Moreover, you have to consider about what you will send. Thank You and Let’s try!

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

“He” Is Beautiful

Every Monday, I always have creative writing class. However, the last two meetings my lecturer, Mas Dalih, could not give lesson for us as he has been in Bali for the important thing. Even though he was absent, he has sent her friend, Mbak Abmi, as the substitute teachers in his class. Actually, Mbak Abmi ever came to the class as the guest. Then, when she taught us in the first time, she played a movie “Bag It” as I’ve reviewed previously. On last Monday, she came in to class not by herself but she brought a guest. Actually, this guest is beautiful. She has long hair, pointed nose, and proportional body. She sat at the corner of the class. I talked to my friend this guest is beautiful but rather strange. Then I asked her if this guest girl or boy. Yet, she said this guest seems female.
At the beginning of the class Mbak Abmi said that we would interview her guest based on the topic having been divided into five. Surprisingly, Mbak Abmi called this beautiful guest with “he”. Ngik… Ngok…. I was very upset at the moment. But, then, I realized that OK, it is a common view to see Waria (woman but man) came to the class.
After that, this guest sat in front of us, then, introduced himself kindly. He is Olivia Sonya Aresta or we could call him with Mbak Sonya. He is from Klaten but now he lives in Yogyakarta. He has been in Yogyakarta since he was in vocational school (D3). Although he is a waria, he is a hard worker as Mbak Sonya has so many jobs. For instance, Mbak Sonya is an activist in PKBI (Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia) one of organization concerning about the marginal society. He is also a beauty consultant, a seller of online shop, and a make-up bride. Wowww!!!
Yet, who knows that Mbak Sonya has to face hard struggle in finding his identity. Until now, his family, especially, his mother could not accept him as a waria. His mother is a teacher supposed to be followed. However, she could not believe and admit to his condition. This is a kind of homework for him to get the confession and acceptance from his family.
Mbak Sonya lived in Klaten from his childhood till his senior high school. Then he continued his study in one of vocational school in Yogyakarta. Actually, when Mbak Sonya was child, his parents did not allow him to play together with boys. Her parents were afraid of him if those boys were naughty to him. Moreover, her parents preferred Mbak Sonya played with girls. However, this lead Mbak Sonya seems to be girly. She began to like making up, dressing like a girl, and playing dolls. As he was in junior high school, he usually hang out in the night and began to dress like a girl. This continued till he was in senior high school. Once he went to mall in Yogyakarta, suddenly he found that his friends were also there. They noticed Mbak Sonya in dressing like a girl then they called him. Mbak Sonya was very surprised then he threw his shoes to his friends and he ran away. Slightly, this seems to be a funny story. Yet, this made him mocked by his friends. Whenever he went to or back from school, he had to hide himself. He did want they laughed at him because he was a waria. After he graduated from senior high school, he considered to go out of Klaten to be free from those mocking. Once he heard someone said about him that he went out because his family had thrown him. Yet, he refused this assumption. He went out of Klaten as he wanted to restrain from this inconvenience that his family felt from Mbak Sonya’s decision as a waria.
Yogyakarta is not only a town used by Mbak Sonya to prove his identity as waria. He also ever went to Solo, Bandung, Jakarta, and Bali several times. But somehow, he feels that “Jogja is the pleasant place for me and the atmosphere is different from others”. In Jogja, he found so many lessons. For instance, he found his confidence when he was being a volunteer in Bantul. He felt that his helps were very precious for the victims of earthquake. Moreover, he found the meaning of friend. When Mbak Sonya was sick and had to be hospitalized their waria friends took care of her and were always by her side. Furthermore, he feels that her life would be more meaningful when he becomes a volunteer in PKBI. He said that it is a contract for her that does not only take one or two months to finish this project, but forever. He wants to help people, especially, waria against HIV AIDS. He also wants to prove that the identity of waria is not a mere marginal society but they have real contributions to this world by doing something useful. 
That is no doubt again if at the first sight I said he is beautiful. Although he is a marginal, he still keeps his beauty inside. Thank You Mbak Sonya for your inspiration...

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Film Review : Bag It!

‘Bag It’ is a film by Suzan Beraza featuring Jeb Berrier. This film is not romance or action movie. Yet, this is kind of documentary film. ‘Bag It’ is a slang that has two meanings (1) to put in a bag; (2) to stop doing something, to quit. For example: If you don’t want to do it anymore, just bag it.

Here, there is a man, Jeb Berrier as the main character. He lives in a small town in Colorado. This story begins from the simple orange plastic bag he finds from the local grocery store. This orange plastic bag contains a cup and a spoon that are also made of plastic. After he gets home, he also finds a plastic bag. However, inside of that plastic bag there are many other folded plastic bags. First, he tries not to think about. But, he considers that later the plastic bags become a serious problem.

When he walks through the alley of the supermarket, he sees that most of products in the shops are covered by plastics. Even, he observes that there are plastic bags are everywhere. He looks people bring plastic bags in their right and left hands. Also, he sees that people sitting in the public places leave their plastic after they eat or drink their food. This condition makes that place looks dirty. Moreover, he finds plastic bags at the trees. Those plastics are hung like leaf. Even, he concludes that they (plastics) were created to be thrown away.

Because the plastics are disposable, there are so many plastics that are thrown away in the wide ground. However, this Jeb Berrier says that although plastics are disposable it does not mean that plastics can be thrown away in everywhere. Many people throw the plastics in beach, river, public places, and bushes. Those plastics float in the river and fly in the air.

Actually, this film gives the information about the advantages of plastics. For instance, plastics are like amazing thing in this world. They are inexpensive, durable, and simple. Berrier also realizes that most of stuffs in his home are made of plastics. For examples, the bottle of medicine, helmet, glasses, toys, etc. He, however, considers if all of the plastics in the shops are thrown away, then, it would load the earth. In fact, there are one million in every minute or five hundred billion plastics used each year.

He, then, observes that many countries such India, Saudi Arabia, China, Hong Kong, South of Australia, Tanzania, Uganda, Ruanda, Kenya, South Africa, and many countries in Europe have banned the use of plastics bag. Moreover, he visits Dublin in Ireland to observe about the use of plastic bag. Once, he goes to a store and then asks to the cashier about plastics bag. The cashier says that if the customers want to use the plastic bag, they have to pay more 25 cents. It is the policy applied in this country. Therefore, if they want to buy something, they have to bring their own bag. Then, he goes to Modbury in England. This country also bans the use of plastic bag in order to save the environment. Also, he visits San Francisco in California. In San Francisco there is dilemma between using paper or plastic. Yet, paper is considered to be more convenient to the environment as it can be recycled. So, many shops use paper as the substitution of plastic bag. Berrier, then, also visits other places in America that also ban the use of plastic bags.

Actually plastic bags are not only dangerous for environment but also for our health.  In this film, Berrier’s wife gives a birth for their first child and Berrier is by her side. When their child grows older, Berrier finds chemical in his son baby bottle that is made of plastics. In fact, those chemical like BPA and Phthalates are dangerous for our health. They can cause diabetes, autism, the risk of heart disease, etc.

From this film, we can get the point of the danger of plastics for our environment and our health. Yet, this film also gives the solution how to minimalize the use of plastics. For instance, he uses his own bag whenever he buys everything. His bag is not plastics bag but bags that can be used more than once. He also persuades us starting today feedback on single use disposable products with less. We can start from ourselves. We have to think outside the bag by recycling comes after reducing and volunteer in your community.

Although this film seems to give the solution too hard to do but actually we can do it starting from ourselves. First of all, we can follow what Berrier does; using the shopping bag that can be used many times. Then, we can persuade our family or friend to realize them about the danger of plastics and to reduce the use of plastics. If we can do those steps, believe that we at least can save our environment.